Different forms of Lepa are recommended under various conditions.
– When it comes to avidagdha-type swellings, lepa is helpful.
– Applying the Lepa lessens the daha brought on by pitta vitiation, kandu brought on by vitiated kapha, and ruja brought on by vitiated vata.
– Lepa is regarded as the most advantageous form of tvakprasadhana.
– When mamsa and rakta are shown to be vitiated, lepa is the best remedy.
– In cases of marma and guhya pradesha, where it is challenging to do the Shodhana as such, it serves as the finest local way of Shodhana treatment.
– Lepa is recommended to treat painful vrand shotha and pus-filled swellings.
– In a variety of skin disorders, Lepa is the first line of treatment.
Anna lepam is a Sanskrit term that is comprised of two words. Anna means rice and lepam means application. Anna lepam therapy is an Ayurvedic treatment where rice is directly applied to an individual’s body. This treatment is used for vata and pitta disorders, rakta (blood) problems such as contamination, and inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Overall, it heals and rejuvenates the whole body. Anna lepam falls under the Panchakarma strain of treatments in Ayurveda.
Annalepam treatment primarily requires Shastika Shali, a special type of rice which needs to be grown and harvested for 60 days prior to being used in Annalepam. The ground rice is mixed with milk, medicated oils, and ghee. It is then applied all over the body.
The concoction strives to achieve the balance of the doshas in the body and purify the bloodstream in order to alleviate the ailments the patient has. The rice is massaged in a gentle way by two masseurs working in synchronicity.Â

Folklore practise known as gnilepa is frequently practised in the coastal areas of Udupi, Southern Karnataka. S dry and 5 moist medications are utilised in Agnilepa. Tulasi, Agnimanth, Nirgundi, Papata, and Bandha are examples of wet medications. Papata and bandha are debatable medications, whilst Agnimantha and Nirgundi are difficult for patients to obtain on a daily basis.
Tulasi was therefore used in the preparation. The medications, pachaka and ushna in veerya, are very strong. Before sending patients for Shodhana, sroto shodhaka was accomplished thanks to their veerya.
Agni is the invariable agent in the process of Paka (digestion)
Agni converts food in the form of energy, which is responsible for all the vital functions of our body. Therefore, Ayurveda considers that Dehagni is the cause of life, complexion, strength, health, nourishment, lusture, oja, teja (energy) and prana (life energy).