Udvarthanam is an ayurvedic massage which means “to move something I an upward direction.”
This is a term to the upward motion of the massage techniques. In order to decrease lethargy, discharge toxins, decrease fluid retention, and increase circulation, the brisk massage techniques is combined with penetrating herbs to produce heat in the body.
Learn more about Udvarthanam and how it helps you in various ways.
Is an Ayurvedic decoction bath in which the body is massaged as a continuous rhythmic stream of herbal liquid is poured over it. It is a soothing procedure that supports detoxification or weight loss programs.
Warm herbalized oils are massaged onto the body to prepare it for the Dhanyamla Dhara therapy.
Dhara, which means to flow, and “Dhanyamla,” which means fermented liquid made from cereal and herbal elements. Dhara means stream pouring of liquids obtained by fermenting cereals and other herbal medicines over the body.
It is beneficial in relieving pain, stiffness and swelling related to arthritis and other conditions. It provides strength to the tissue. It rejuvenates and energizes the body and makes it strong.
One of the five Panchakarma detox therapies, is an Ayurvedic detox treatment used to cleanse the body and mind. In Sanskrit, the word “Virechana” itself implies “purging”. It works particularly well to cleanse the small intestine.
Blood toxins, sweat glands, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, spleen are all cleansed by virechana.

Types of Sthoulyahara Chikitsa

Rookshana Chikitsa
“Rookshana” means drying or absorbing moisture. It is a form of therapy used to get rid of extra body weight or fat. One of Ayurveda’s six therapy techniques is rakshana. It is an instance of langhana treatment, which reduces. Rookshana therapy is recommended for illnesses brought on by excessive kaphadosha, excessive nourishment, or excessive body fluids. Rookshana therapy is used to treat conditions including obesity, edoema, stubborn urinary problems, including diabetes, and ascites. This therapy is frequently used in the treatment of metabolic syndrome.
In cases of obesity, Rookshana therapy in the forms of Udvwartana and Takra pana can reduce BMI, weight, body circumference, and skin fold thickness.
Lekhana Chikitsa
Lekhana chikitsa is a type of enema that includes Ayurvedic medications that cause the body to remove extra fat. In Ayurveda, the focus is on altering one’s lifestyle  according to various environments, seasons, and even daily routines.
Lekhana chikitsa and Udavartana, two panchakarma procedures, have been shown to significantly lower children’s BMI when combined with Ayurvedic medications.
Lekhana Chikitsa is a Ayurvedic weight loss treatment which helps you to lose weight naturally. This procedure is based on the principles of Ayurveda, where the diet and exercise are used together to achieve optimal results. Lekhana Chikitsa is suitable for both men and women and can be followed by anyone regardless of age or gender, as long as they are physically fit.

Karshana Chikitsa
Karshana Chikitsa is a natural and short period therapies to help you in losing weight and tonning of the body. It is suitable for all those who want to lose weight.
Karshana Chikitsa is a combination of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Naturopathy that is designed to reduce stress, increase energy and improve your overall health. The therapy also helps in reducing weight by promoting good eating habits, regular exercise, proper sleeping patterns and healthy lifestyle.
Therapies such as karshana chikitsas aid in increasing metabolic rate and burning away fat deposits in the tummy, hips, and other places. The procedure would lead to weight loss and the shaping of your physique to your ideal size. One of the objectives of the treatment is also to feel lighter and have more energy.
Medohara Chikitsa
Medodhara Chikitsa is a natural weight loss therapy which includes detox, Udvartana/Utsadana massages along with diet counselling.Â
The goal of this programme is to help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and burning calories through physical activity. It also helps to improve digestion and reduce bloating. Medodhara Chikitsa has been used for centuries as an effective treatment for obesity, diabetes and other health conditions.
Medodhara Chikitsa therapy reduces excess fat in the body without any side effects or complications. In fact, it is a safe and effective way to lose weight naturally without any supplements or surgeries.